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Anneau pénien en silicone

Seekheart, August 16,2024

On les appelle aussi anneaux de tension, anneaux péniens, anneaux en C, anneaux de tige ou anneaux d'érection. Ils sont généralement portés à la base du pénis. Et leur serrage aide à réduire le flux sanguin vers le pénis ; cela rend l'érection plus forte et dure plus longtemps. Certaines personnes l'utilisent également pour orner leur pénis, comme une sorte d'ornement. De plus, les hommes souffrant de dysfonction érectile utilisent cet anneau pour renforcer et allonger leur érection.


The woman can also benefit from using a cock ring with their partner. First, it makes penetrative sex better, harder, and longer. More so, a dick ring stimulates the clitoris during penetrative sex. This causes the woman to orgasm even more than usual during penetrative sexual play. Some variations of cock rings are worn around the scrotum to hold the testicles in place. These types are the ball stretchers or testicle cuffs.

Anneau pénien en silicone

These are the basic and most ordinary forms. They have no unique shape nor feature so that they are the best ones for beginners. They are very simple and easy to grip onto the penis.

If you are thinking of adding another sex toy to add to your collection, then you should probably consider the ring for your penis. It has a lot of benefits (both sexual and health benefits) and you can explore the different types. With the different types, materials and features, you are set for a new sexual adventure. You can also create fantasies with your partner.
